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  • Marie Pinard

    This is great work on an increasingly significant topic. Thank you for sharing as many organizations are interested in undertaking similar initiatives and can from this great work.

  • Marie Pinard

    Congratulations on this important work! The learnings are essential to capture to inform future interventions where there's an element of hesitancy. The poster is excellent and very well organized. Thanks for sharing.

  • Marie Pinard

    Excellent work. Acknowledgement of the resources required is greatly appreciated as this is often a limiting factor for undertaking this work.

  • Marie Pinard

    Very nicely outlined and summarized on the poster! This is an important quality problem in paediatrics. SPC charts are excellent!

  • Marie Pinard

    This is excellent work that leverages QI to address inequity. Very thoughtful and useful learnings. Thank you for sharing!

  • Marie Pinard

    Great work that highlights the importance of design that aligns with workflow and user experience. Thanks for sharing!

  • Brian Wong

    Studies like these that expand the definition of harm to include equity-based considerations is so critical to our field. Expanding beyond physical harm seems to reflect a person-centered view of safety and harm.

  • Nilesh Patel

    Great topic, Implementing a waste reduction strategy in general surgery is a critical step towards a more sustainable and cost-effective healthcare system. By optimizing surgical processes, minimizing single-use item usage, and recycling materials when possible, hospitals can reduce their environmental footprint while also saving money. Such strategies not only benefit the planet but also improve the overall efficiency of surgical operations, ultimately leading to better patient care. It's a win-win approach that should be embraced by all healthcare facilities.

  • Babul Patel

    Great job on reducing CO2 emissions for our planet and future generations.

  • Dr. Jay Shah

    Very interesting, while in practice with patients, it’s second nature to use equipment and not think of its long term consequences. Great to have the next generation think about sustainability and ways to improve daily practices.

  • Dr Vipulkumar S Shah

    Implementing a Waste Reduction Strategy in General Surgery is good step for environment...and it is nice to hear that all thing done by most learned people.

  • Henry Clark

    This is quite fascinating, and I hope to see lower emissions down the road with all the research work the young generation is doing. Great work

  • Sandip Shah

    Good to hear that healthcare sector now thinking about greening initiatives.

  • Certina Ho

    Thank you, Jessica and Samantha. Our team also created the following resources. Please feel free to share! Keeping Up with QI for Health Professionals: Bite-Sized Resources & Communities for Collaboration (7:33 minutes) The College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPhM) invited our team to write a Safety IQ Blog on QI QID ( back in April 2023: I hope you will also find the above information helpful :) Thank you for stopping by our poster!

  • Carly O'Brien

    What a creative way to capture joy and engage teams!

  • Carly O'Brien

    Thanks for sharing this - it sounds like a great opportunity for impact through reducing near miss and minor harm events. Would be curious to hear about a key action/change implemented as a result! Kudos!

  • Jennifer Wong

    Thank you Brian! It was such an interesting project - so many wonderful collaborators and a great opportunity to explore people, social networks, and influence.

  • Brian Wong

    A really nice example of applying quality improvement to an equity-deserving group with promising results!

  • Brian Wong

    Deprescribing low-value treatments is so important -- better for patients, better for the system, better for the environment!

  • Brian Wong

    Such an important topic to re-conceptualize the concept(s) of patient safety and harm to include incidents of disrespect and overt racism. Are there others doing similar work to integrate equity considerations into patient safety?

  • Brian Wong

    This was such an important initiative at a time when we needed to ensure high vaccine uptake during the pandemic. Congratulations!

  • Brian Wong

    This is an impressive reduction in unnecessary albumin use -- I know that Choosing Wisely Canada has a Using Blood Wisely program and wonder if albumin should be something that group tackles as well (since I think it's been primarily RBC transfusions)

  • Brian Wong

    There seems to be a lot of opportunity to use QI to address the climate crisis within the perioperative setting. Is this work connected with the ONSQIN network?

  • Mark Fan

    Thanks for your work! Did not know about the PISA classification, but wonderful to learn about it now. Looking forward to seeing where you go from here!

  • Mark Fan

    Love the idea and excited to see where you go next with this.

  • Mark Fan

    Very valuable forward looking lessons for 2023-2024. Thanks for your work and sharing with us!

  • Mark Fan

    Seeing best practices modelled is such an important initiative. Great work and thank you for your efforts!

  • Carly O'Brien

    Kudos on development of such a thoughtful tool. I understand the target population is Residents, and it seems as though the tool would have applicability to support patient safety conversations across disciplines. I like that the tool encourages personal and systematic reflections/learning.

  • Jennifer Wong

    Hi Samantha, Thank you for the question. The use of peer champions was new to the program for the purpose of vaccine confidence, but the champions model has been used in past in other implementation initiatives (e.g., routine mobilization of patients). Thanks again for asking! Jenn

  • Jessica Vickery

    Great idea! Will be sharing the resource with others.

  • Jessica Vickery

    Great example of how we can leverage virtual solutions to build partnerships and provide care that is patient centred.

  • Jessica Vickery

    Nice use of IHI Model for improvement/PDSA cycles and ADKAR to help support the change.

  • Jessica Vickery

    Hopefully we will start to see more initiatives that look at reducing CO2 emissions within healthcare. Great work!

  • Jessica Vickery

    Thank you for sharing!

  • Jessica Vickery

    I only have exposure to PoCUS in the acute care setting, so it was interesting to learn how it could be applied to outpatient care. I am happy to hear that you will be continuing the project to understand the problem of low uptake and implementing potential solutions to help address these causes. Great work!

  • Martin Heller

    Well done…an impressive program. I found your introspective remarks to be very useful.

  • Martin Heller

    Nice work!

  • Samantha Moraes

    What an interesting project to bring meaningful practice changes.

  • Laura kane

    Excellent topi

  • Samantha Moraes

    Looks like an interesting resource, be sure to share with my team!

  • Laura kane

    Interesting topic

  • Sandra Walsh

    I wonder if using a design thinking approach with clinicians and EPIC builders together, you could find some creative ways of getting the information in the chart.

  • Martin Heller

    Good outcome!

  • Martin Heller

    Interesting Study

  • Samantha Moraes

    Hello Leanne, great initiative to boost team morale. In addition to an email invitation how motivated were staff to engage in the survey? What methods were used to ensure staff responded?

  • Samantha Moraes

    Hello Jennifer, this aspect of Peer Champions new to the study or already a program in place? Great initiative!

  • Angela Freeman

    So interesting- love how your interviews help highlight aspects related to feelings of safety that were unexpected

  • Angela Freeman

    Thanks for your poster. As a clinician it is good to be reminded of the importance of self-care for reducing burnout

  • Laura Kane

    Excellent topic and example of primary prevention

  • Laura Kane.

    Excellent example of preventing adverse reaction

  • Laura Kane

    Excellent poster useful information that can be utilized across many patient populations

  • Angela Freeman

    Thanks for sharing! I’m curious how this might relate in an obstetric context for smaller centres

  • Victoria Antoniu

    This is a very important work to ensure a culture of engagement and alignment at unit, program and organizational level towards improving patient safety

  • Victoria Antoniu

    Great resource for new staff orientation and just-in-time training for the interdisciplinary teams!

  • Victoria Antoniu

    I hope that greening the OR becomes a part of QIPs due to the significant environmental footprint of the ORs

  • Angela Freeman

    Great topic! Love seeing healthcare greening initiatives

  • Victoria Antoniu

    Would love to get a copy of the tool used for patient safety incident discussion - I was not able to see it when zooming in…

  • Angela Freeman

    Thanks for sharing your work to improve access to screening

  • Victoria Antoniu

    This is a great study and it helps to listen to the voice of the residents and the voice of the staff in long-term care homes towards creating an inclusive, personalized and safe care.

  • Victoria Antoniu

    It would be great to see which interpreting service the patients liked the most: in-person, Voyce or over-the-phone.

  • Navpreet Kamboj

    Amazing work! This project followed all components of QI initiatives from identifying the problem, diagnosing, implementing and so forth.

  • Victoria Antoniu

    Excellent work and great finding that weekly audits and feedback was stronger support for the improvement work than daily huddles.

  • CQuIPS

    This was an impressive impact on the time from triage to X-Ray interpretation seen in the care for your patients with hip fracture. Congratulations

  • Anonymous

    Excellent work! This topic resonates with me as PPID is an emerging theme seen in incident reports at my hospital within the last year. Utilizing technology is something we must consider in our efforts to improve patient safety. Ongoing education is required to ensure that new and existing staff understand the importance of PPID.

  • JoanneGoldman

    Your poster very nicely presents the range of factors that participants identified as likely to influence the success of the PPH bundle implementation as well as the system-level factors contributing to management delay. I'm wondering if you identified any patterns of perceived facilitators or barriers by professional group in your results? If yes, are there implications for the intervention strategy?


    Congratulations Dr. Spenard et al. for the OPRA study! Your data is well presented and within a few months, you have already improved rate of preoperative anemia treatment and reduced perioperative transfusion. It would be interesting to know what % of preoperative anemia you are hoping to reach with your interventions. Also, I would like to know the impact of your interventions on postoperative complications such as VTE, SSI, length of stay. Good work!

  • Christine Soong

    Great work in an important area! A few comments/questions: 1. 'readiness' is not defined making it unclear how it enables improved outcomes 2. more description of the intervention would help others decide if feasible in their settings 3. it would be helpful to display outcomes data as SPC or run charts. It is not clear from the bar graphs whether the differences observed is statistically significant 4. what were the balancing/process measures and their results?

  • Allison Brown

    Great job Dr. Spenard et al! I really appreciate your use of figures and tables to summarize this initiative and the outcomes. I notice a huge increase in the treatment rate for anemia screening after the third and fourth intervention that were introduced simultaneously, can you share any insight regarding whether or not you have a sense of what was most impactful at that time when treatment rates started to decline - educating providers and patients or creating a process that is triggered for patients who meet the criteria? I know education and training staff about a new intervention can be very helpful to increase uptake in the short-term but can be tricky in sustaining individual behaviour changes in the long term without having an intervention that targets the system. Again, well done!


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