Farhat Farrokhi, Amanda Mcintosh and Treena Wilkie
Leveraging race-based data to take action on inequities in mental health care
Date and time
Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 12-1 p.m. ET
Summary Description
CAMH has been a pioneering hospital in collecting health equity data in Ontario. In the past few years, race breakdown of key performance metrics has added an equity lens to various levels of decision making processes and quality improvement initiatives of the hospital. In this talk, Farhat Farrokhi will describe how the health equity data is collected, analyzed, and presented at CAMH, Dr Treena Wilkie will speak about the Forensic Program’s EDI strategy and the use of health equity data, and finally Amanda McIntosh discusses more detailed examples of leveraging data by the Forensics frontline staff.
Speaker bios
Farhat Farrokhi is the Interim Director of Performance & Analytics at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), where he is responsible for overseeing the development and execution of the organization’s strategic analytic activities to support the delivery of data-driven care. Farhat has gained his extensive knowledge of analytics in health system performance and clinical research through his several years of experience as a medical researcher, executive editor of peer-reviewed medical journals, and analytic and leadership positions at the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) and CAMH. Farhat is an internationally trained physician and holds a Master’s of Science in Clinical Epidemiology from University of Toronto.
Amanda McIntosh RN, BScN is a Team Leader on a Forensic General Rehabilitation Unit. She has been working as a Registered Nurse in the Forensic Mental Health program at CAMH since 2008. She is focused on and passionate about creating and maintaining an equitable environment for client care. She is a member of Nursing Practice Advisory Council Fair & Just Working Group. As team lead she has collaborated on many initiatives to underscore the need to address inequalities within the system on a unit based level, such as contributing to bi-weekly Anti-Black Racism meetings, and co-facilitating Culturally Adaptive- CBT group.
Dr. Treena Wilkie is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and the Deputy Physician-in-Chief, Medical Affairs and Practice at CAMH. She has been qualified as a specialist in forensic psychiatry by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and is the Chief of the forensic division in the Complex Care and Recovery Program at CAMH. Dr. Wilkie is a clinician and educator of psychiatry residents. Her clinical and scholarship interests include the alignment of risk assessment and management principles with recovery-based care and physician wellness and professionalism initiatives.