This masterclass session provides participants with a review of run charts and control charts (i.e., statistical process control) followed by a discussion on more advanced SPC topics. Through the use of interactive exercises and illustrative examples, attendees will review how to differentiate between various types of control charts and analyze time-series data represented by run charts and control charts. The session will also introduce more advanced concepts in SPC including subgrouping, approaches to common cause and special cause variation, among others. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to construct control charts using QI Macros through several instructor led examples. These analytic skills will prepare participants to evaluate their QI interventions and demonstrate their impact on clinical processes and outcomes.
- Review run charts and control charts
- Select an appropriate control chart based on the type of data being collected
- Interpret run and control charts to determine whether common or special cause variation exists
- Review additional advanced topics in SPC including freezing the baseline, subgrouping and how to approach common vs special cause variation in QI projects
- Create control charts using QI macros.
Dates and times:
- Tuesday, Oct 25th 12:30pm-4:00pm. ET
- $400 – non-members
- $300 – CQUIPS+ members (25% discount!)
Dr. Genevieve Bouchard-Fortier is a gynecologic oncologist at University Health Network. She obtained her MD at McGill University. She completed a residency program and fellowship in Gynecologic Oncology in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Toronto. During this time, Dr. Bouchard-Fortier also obtained a Master of clinical epidemiology focusing on cancer screening and cancer prevention at the Harvard School of Public Health. More recently, she did a certificate in Patient Safety and Quality improvement with the Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (CQUIPS) and did the CQUIPS Improvement Fellowship. Dr. Bouchard-Fortier research and clinical interests include management of gestational trophoblastic disease as well as development of quality metrics and quality initiatives to improve gynecologic oncology care.