This primer provides participants with an overview of run charts and control charts (i.e., statistical process control charts). Through the use of interactive exercises and illustrative examples, attendees will learn how to differentiate between various types of control charts and develop the necessary skills to analyze time-series data represented by run charts and control charts. These analytic skills will prepare participants to evaluate their QI interventions and demonstrate their impact on clinical processes and outcomes.
- Describe the advantages of analyzing time-series data for QI
- Compare and contrast run charts and control charts
- Select an appropriate control chart based on the type of data being collected
- Interpret run and control charts to determine whether common special cause variation exists
Date and time:
- Thursday, June 17, 2021, 2:30-4 p.m. ET
- $150 – non-members
- $75 – CQUIPS+ members (50% discount!)
Dr. Brian Wong is a staff general internist at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and served as CQuIPS Associate Director, Sunnybrook Site, from 2013 to 2019. Dr. Wong received his MD and subsequent specialty training in General Internal Medicine at the University of Toronto. After completing his residency training in 2007, he undertook a research fellowship in patient safety funded by the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation. In his role as CQuIPS Associate Director, he co-led both the Certificate Course and EQUIP and worked with academic departments at the University of Toronto to establish criteria to recognize QI and PS activities for the purposes of academic promotion. Outside of Toronto, he has worked with several national and international organizations, including the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Choosing Wisely Canada, the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, and the Association of American Medical Colleges, to establish training programs and standards to build QI and patient safety capacity across the learning continuum.