Annual CQuIPS Symposium 2023
Abstract Presentations
Date and time:
Tuesday November 21, 2023, 12-1 pm EST
Session Description:
For the November speaker series presentation, we will feature live presentations of several of the oral abstracts that were included as part of the CQuIPS Symposium held on November 1, 2023. We will also make the recordings of the plenary presentations by Hardeep Singh on “Making Diagnostic Safety the Centerpiece of Quality Improvement Activities in Health Care” and Trey Coffey on “Key Ingredients: Lessons from an International Learning Health Network” available to CQUIPS+ members in November.
Here are the Best Short Presentation winners from the Symposium that will be presenting at this month’s Speaker Series:
The Underuse of Medical Interpretation Services: A Human Factors Analysis on Why They Aren’t Used Enough and How Their Usage Can Be Increased – Soyun Oh, Myrtede Alfred, Dhruv Nayyar
Implementation of a standardized point-of-care disinfectant program to reduce the incidence of Healthcare-Associated Infections – Paige Reason, Victoria Williams, Lorraine Maze dit Mieusement, Heather Candon, Danielle Camacho, Payton Bayley, Ashley James, Luke Sequeira, Melisa Avaness, Jaclyn O’Brien, Lisa Cheung, Vriza Patel, Karoleen Volpentesta, Eugene Lee, Jerome Leis
Using Computer Simulation to Reveal the Relationships Between Healthcare System Design, Nurse Workload and Care Quality – Sue Bookey-Bassett, Sadeem M. Qureshi, Helen Kelly, Michael Greig, Kevin Woo, Marcus Yung, Raymond Tran, James Hanratty, W. Patrick Neumann