{"id":5720,"global_id":"cquipsplus.ca?id=5720","global_id_lineage":["cquipsplus.ca?id=5720"],"author":"331","status":"publish","date":"2022-12-07 10:58:57","date_utc":"2022-12-07 15:58:57","modified":"2023-05-05 12:35:58","modified_utc":"2023-05-05 16:35:58","url":"https:\/\/cquipsplus.ca\/event\/control-charts\/","rest_url":"https:\/\/cquipsplus.ca\/wp-json\/tribe\/events\/v1\/events\/5720","title":"How to use control charts to evaluate the impact of your QI work\u00a0","description":"

How do you know if your QI intervention resulted in improvement? What are ways to analyze data to demonstrate the positive benefits of your QI initiative? Control charts are a fundamental tool used in QI to display data over time and allows teams to evaluate their interventions and demonstrate their impact on clinical processes and outcomes. Using interactive exercises and illustrative examples, participants will learn how to differentiate between various types of control charts, analyze them for special cause variation, and interpret their findings. Participants will also learn how to create control charts using QI Macros through instructor-led examples.<\/p>\n

Note: Participants should have a basic understanding of run charts and data for improvement prior to attending this masterclass. You do not need a license to QI Macros to sign up.<\/p>\n
